Puerto rico pib per cápita ppp
Puerto Rico: PIB per cápita, Paridad del Poder Adquisitivo : Para este indicador, Definición: GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP). Apr 15, 2019 GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP) is a more accurate characteristic determining the level of economic Puerto Rico. Dec 12, 2019 Statistics on GDP per capita in PPS, actual individual consumption (AIC) per capita and price level indices are presented for the EU-28, three Nov 15, 2019 This list contains projected GDP per capita (Nominal and PPP) of top 50 rate has been projected for Macao SAR, Puerto Rico and Barbados. and news. Expert forecasts on GDP per head, including charts and income forecasts. Puerto Rico, 28,513, 28,981, 29,764, 30,629, 31,353. Qatar, 99,140 Per capita income was $122. – 70% of the By 1947 the PR government owned five enterprises: Avg. Annual Growth Rate of Real. GDP per Capita, 1955-1989. Puerto. Rico. South.. unsustainable when nominal GNP is growing at a rate 10 Abr 2019 Puerto Rico tiene un PIB per cápita comparable al de España pero, dice con US$ 25.978 de PIB per cápita (PPP), en 2018 Chile superaba al
62, Puerto RicoPuerto Rico, $101.50 billion, 2012. 63, Morocco.. Official exchange rate per capita, 197. PPP, 162 Purchasing power parity per capita, 201.
Puerto Rico from The World Bank: Data. Puerto Rico. Saltar a. Índice de Capital Humano; Cambio climático. PIB (US$ a precios actuales) 2000 Mil millones 0 110 Puerto Rico. HCI and GDP Per Capita PPP (log scale, horizontal axis). Puerto Rico: PIB per cápita, Paridad del Poder Adquisitivo : Para este indicador, Definición: GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP). Apr 15, 2019 GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP) is a more accurate characteristic determining the level of economic Puerto Rico. Dec 12, 2019 Statistics on GDP per capita in PPS, actual individual consumption (AIC) per capita and price level indices are presented for the EU-28, three Nov 15, 2019 This list contains projected GDP per capita (Nominal and PPP) of top 50 rate has been projected for Macao SAR, Puerto Rico and Barbados.
Ceuta and Melilla are the smallest communities in Spain and are autonomous cities. In 2016, according to DatosMacro, the economies every community in the country grew with Balearic Islands and Madrid being the largest at 3.8% and 3.7…
: Is the largest economy in the isthmus and the tenth in Latin America, has the largest nominal GDP ($118,655 million) and GDP purchasing power parity (PPP) of $81.51 billion (2013 data). Tajo (1.007 kilometro, 863 Espainian), Ebro (910 kilometro), Duero (897 kilometro, 684 Espainian), Guadiana (744 kilometro, 602 Espainian), eta Guadalquivir (657 kilometro) dira luzeenak.
Tajo (1.007 kilometro, 863 Espainian), Ebro (910 kilometro), Duero (897 kilometro, 684 Espainian), Guadiana (744 kilometro, 602 Espainian), eta Guadalquivir (657 kilometro) dira luzeenak.
NOTE: The information regarding GDP - per capita (PPP) on this page is re-published from the CIA World Factbook 2017. No claims are made regarding theaccuracy of GDP - per capita (PPP) information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about GDP - per capita (PPP) should be addressed to the CIA. El PIB per cápita, ingreso per capita o renta per cápita es un indicador económico que mide la relación existente entre el nivel de renta de un país y su población. Para ello, se divide el Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) de dicho territorio entre el número de habitantes. GDP per capita for next four economies are much closer. Margin between 2nd position occupier Switzerland and 5th ranked Ireland is only $6,000. Hence, rank of thesethese four would be interchanged in upcoming years. Figure of 6th to 10th ranked also have less margin. In ppp terms, Qatar is ahead of 2nd ranked Macao SAR by 18,523 Int. dollar. Entre las legislaturas más caras - El reto de América Latina - Evangelizando demonios - Letra muerta las leyes bancarias - Líbrano - Id. vLex: VLEX-1589503 Aktuella värden, historiska data, prognoser, statistik, diagram och ekonomisk kalender - Port - Rich - BNP per capita PPP.
10 Abr 2019 Puerto Rico tiene un PIB per cápita comparable al de España pero, dice con US$ 25.978 de PIB per cápita (PPP), en 2018 Chile superaba al
PIB per cápita, PPA ($ a precios internacionales constantes de 2011) Crecimiento del PIB per cápita (% anual) PIB per cápita (UMN a precios constantes) Nevertheless, Puerto Rico's GDP per capita compares favorably to other independent Caribbean nations, and is one of the highest in North America. See List of North American countries by GDP per capita. Puerto Rico has a GDP per capita of $16,300 (2010 est.). Compared to the rest of the world they are ranked 73rd. INGRESO PER CÁPITA 2000 - 2010 Ingreso per cápita (ajustado), 2010 - 6,5 0 0751 2 3 4. l osmá a t : Ingreso p/cáp en Puerto Rico: $10,355 (2010)
El gentilici que es fa servir normalment és llatinoamericà. A Base Naval dos Estados Unidos em Guantánamo está situada na ilha principal, Cuba. Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure for the economic activity. The average value for Poland Locator Map for Poland. to spend at least 2 percent of gross domestic product on defense. Economic Development Economic development [1], generally speaking, is a process of change that is focused on the betterment of the community, state, and/or nation. Defining economic development can be difficult. UIS.Stat enables users to search for and extract data from across UIS’s many databases.